There was once, a woman, wearing a full veil of Mosul silk, tasselled with gold and turned with rare brocade. She stopped before a young man in the city of Baghdad as he was leaning idly against his basket in the market. She raised the veil a little from her face. Above it there showed dark eyes with long lashes of silk and lids to set a man dreaming. Her body was slight, her feet were very small, and clear perfection shone about her. She said, and oh, but her voice was sweet: ‘Take up your basket, porter, and follow me. The beautiful lady stopped at the stall of a distiller of perfumes and bought ten sorts of waters, rose water, water of orange flowers, willow flower, violet and other kinds; she bought also a spray of rose-musk-scented water, grains of male incense, aloe wood, ambergris and musk; finally she selected candles of Alexandrian wax and put all in the basket, saying: ‘Lift and follow!’ Obediently the porter took up his basket and followed the young lady until she came to a splendid palace, having a great court set in an inner garden; it was tall, magnificent and foursquare, and the door had two leaves of ebony, plated with plates of red gold.

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