Neither you nor I, neither your class nor mine, nor all our respective genies, have expressions forcible enough, nor eloquence sufficient to convey an adequate description of her charms. Her hair is brown, and of such length as to trail on the ground; and so thick, that when she has fastened it in buckles on her head, it may be fitly compared to one of those fine clusters of grapes whose fruit is so very large.
Her forehead is as smooth as the best polished mirror, and admirably formed. Her eyes are black, sparkling, and full of fire. Her nose is neither too long nor too short, and her mouth small and of a vermilion colour. Her teeth are like two rows of pearls, and surpass the finest in whiteness. The whitest alabaster is not fairer than her neck. In a word, by this imperfect sketch, you may guess there is no beauty likely to exceed her in the world.
Do you believe that? I mean why not!
Our wide sellection of the face, body and hair oils can have a myriad of benefits. From helping to support a healthy skin barrier, producing a long-lasting radiant complexion, and stimulating the growth and thickness of the hair and soothing the dry and itchy scalp and more. We now know that choosing the right oil to suit your wants and needs is the key to garnering the benefits. Thus, we keep up our daily research to collect the highest-beneficial plant-based oils and present them to you with a wide descreptive information so that you can accurately and peacfully find your needs.
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